Greater Access
Redesigned Features of Sydney Park
These redesigned features are designed to improve people's access to Sydney Parks, each redesigned feature is applicable in many locations within Sydney Park, and by apply such features they can help improve the overall inclusivity of Sydney Park.
Accessible Paths
Material changed from asphalt to concrete to remove the possibility of cracking.
Replacement of gravel and dirt pathing into significant locations with Concrete to create easier access for wheelchairs.
Upgraded Walkways
Addition of Blister tactile pavement to indicate the location of directional changes and stopping points.
Guidance tactile pavement was added to provide routes for the visually impaired to Significant locations within Sydney Park.
Accessible Maps
Addition of braille to provide information to the visually impaired
A pathing indicator showing the most accessible pathing.
Indication of Safety ramp locations.
Extruded Symbols to provide information about park facilities to the visually impaired.
Wheel Chair Friendly Infrastructure
Use of core-10 steel for water protection and Durability.
Low-down signage for easy viewing for wheelchairs and the visually impaired.
Minimised writing upon the sign to decrease clutter, only significant factors are written.
Use of core 10 steel to improve the overall aesthetics of the park.
Inclusive Seating Throughout
Addition of space between seats for wheelchairs access.
The addition of Steel handrails for greater support to people using the public seating.
Multiple open space seating to improve the inclusivity of Sydney Park's public furniture.
Benches Structural Changes
Removal of Flat seating due to having no handrail supports.
Removal of public tables due to no space for wheelchairs.
Wood seating to complement the natural environment.
Map added Features
Addition of braille to provide information to the visually impaired
A pathing indicator showing the most accessible pathing.
Indication of Safety ramp locations.
Extruded Symbols to provide information about park facilities to the visually impaired
Disabled Access to the Wetlands
Wheelchair-accessible seating.
Signage at the entrance of the wetlands indicates the Sydney Park layout and directions to other locations.
Application of guidance and blister tactile pavement throughout the wetlands for the visually impaired.
The addition of a safety ramp at the main entrance provides easy access for people who have physical disabilities or use wheelchairs.
Wetlands Structural Changes
Removal of stepping stones to give people with physical disabilities easier access to the wetlands.
Steel railing bridge to provide greater support for people with physical disabilities.